Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Coming Home

I decided to come home a week early. With my feet problems it is evident I am not going to loose the kind of weight I expected. I have gained  alot of strength and endurance that will carry me to better fitness when I come home. I have learned alot about diet as well. I do belive however that the diet here is way to carb laden for me. Even though it was only 1200 calories a day we had very little real meat, mostly beans, tofu, rice, fruit, taco's and wraps etc. I could do well with a 4 OZ chicken breast, some asparagus and a small freen salad.
I will finish out the week since the steroids will take a few days to do their job and I dont want to hobble through the airport in Vegas as it is very big. In the meantime I can continue working on upper body strength and some cardio on the nustep machine (pretty much non weight bearing). We also have stretch and toning classes that I can benefit from. I would say pool classes too but it got really cold and windy this week so I am skipping pool for a couple days.
I will be home at 11pm Monday night. I have to leave her by Sunday am, so my roomate has 2 free nights at the Monte Carlo in Vegas and I will stay over alone on Sunday night. I am broke so not much chance of loosing my shirt in Vegas!
See you a final weigh in saturday morn.

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