Sunday, December 5, 2010


I am so proud of my daughter and myself! We finished the run...I actually did some running too. I would say I did about 6 or 7- 3 minutes sprints through out and fast walked the rest. My time was under an hour for the 3.5 miles and that is good for me. My daughter Pam wasn't far behind and I am so proud of her! This was her first experience where as I had 3 weeks at the ranch. I would love it if we could do this again in a week or two! She'll kill me but I'm gonna talk her into it.
I realize more every day what the ranch did for me. I have learned lessons that I can apply to many situations. The biggest one is to look at hard times like climbing a mountain. Dig your feet in and keep going until you reach a good solid place to rest, turn and look at how far you've come, pat yourself on the back for such an accomplishment, then just plow yourself to the top because you can do it!

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