Friday, June 4, 2010

Countdown 20 weeks to go! lol!

OK...whats up with this? I have gained 5 pounds since deciding to go to the ranch! I need to get motivated. Anyone have a creative idea how to get back on track? I am not happy the way I look in a bathing suit but some sort of water exercise would be fun. Wonder if they have water aerobics somewhere?


  1. Karen,

    You have gained because you are seeing the the ranch as the beginning of your journey. Getting started; Set out the clothes you want to work out in the night before. When you get up in the am, before you wake up enough to talk yourself out of exercising, get dressed and go for a long walk. You will feel great! The 1st step is starting.. As for baithingsuits and self esteem, if you decide to exercise in the water, you have to be prepared to set aside your discomfort and focus on why u are there. The why has to be strong enough to drown out the insecurity. Every time one of those thought come into your head, cut it off and replace it with im doing something good for myself. It feels good to be healthy. It will feel like you are playing defensive tennis at 1st, but it's what you have to do to break the habit. You will become aware of how much you sabotage yourself with negative thoughts. And as for where, try the YMCA or there is an fitness center with a pool on the same road as bigY in RH.
    Just so you know, i have fallen off too, and every day i tell myself today im gonna start back up so you arent alone. I was going 2 to 4x a week until i got really sick in May and spent a week in bed. It broke the habit and i havent worked out in a month. Check back with me tomorrow, and see if i took my own advise...

  2. Good advice Jen! And I hope you took your own. My daughter and I are heading for the gym as I write.
