Friday, May 18, 2018








Saturday, April 7, 2018

good afternoon






Sunday, December 5, 2010


I am so proud of my daughter and myself! We finished the run...I actually did some running too. I would say I did about 6 or 7- 3 minutes sprints through out and fast walked the rest. My time was under an hour for the 3.5 miles and that is good for me. My daughter Pam wasn't far behind and I am so proud of her! This was her first experience where as I had 3 weeks at the ranch. I would love it if we could do this again in a week or two! She'll kill me but I'm gonna talk her into it.
I realize more every day what the ranch did for me. I have learned lessons that I can apply to many situations. The biggest one is to look at hard times like climbing a mountain. Dig your feet in and keep going until you reach a good solid place to rest, turn and look at how far you've come, pat yourself on the back for such an accomplishment, then just plow yourself to the top because you can do it!

Santa's Run

Hi to everyone! I have been home all most 3 weeks now. My ankles/Achilles appear to have healed or at least settled down. The diet is a challenge but I am finding if I keep up with a good exercise routine I am still loosing weight. I have lost 5IBS so far since coming home! Today my daughter, myself and my Broker are going on a 3.5 mile (5K) run to benefit the fuel bank in Glastonbury. I am so excited! This is something I would never have done if not for my experience at the ranch.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


11 plus pounds and 8.5 inches!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Coming Home

I decided to come home a week early. With my feet problems it is evident I am not going to loose the kind of weight I expected. I have gained  alot of strength and endurance that will carry me to better fitness when I come home. I have learned alot about diet as well. I do belive however that the diet here is way to carb laden for me. Even though it was only 1200 calories a day we had very little real meat, mostly beans, tofu, rice, fruit, taco's and wraps etc. I could do well with a 4 OZ chicken breast, some asparagus and a small freen salad.
I will finish out the week since the steroids will take a few days to do their job and I dont want to hobble through the airport in Vegas as it is very big. In the meantime I can continue working on upper body strength and some cardio on the nustep machine (pretty much non weight bearing). We also have stretch and toning classes that I can benefit from. I would say pool classes too but it got really cold and windy this week so I am skipping pool for a couple days.
I will be home at 11pm Monday night. I have to leave her by Sunday am, so my roomate has 2 free nights at the Monte Carlo in Vegas and I will stay over alone on Sunday night. I am broke so not much chance of loosing my shirt in Vegas!
See you a final weigh in saturday morn.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Decision Time

OK...I am back from the urgent care clinic. The diagnosis is Inflamatory Arthritis. He put me on steroids and said I can return to activities when joint pain subsides.
Not sure if I will stay or go home.

Urgent Care

OK...I feel like a Loser...but not THE BIGGEST LOSER! Today I can barely walk.I have been battling this for over a week now and today is the worst even with rest over the weekend. I need to make a decision weather to stay or go home. I am wasting allot of money by not being able to get everything out of the program it is designed to do. I weighed in yesterday and only lost 2 lbs this week for a total of 7 in two weeks. I feel like I am letting everyone down who is rooting for me.
They are taking me to Urgent Care in town in 30 minutes to see if I can find out whats really going wrong. I will let you know when I get back.
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